donderdag 12 juli 2012

Writing in France

Dit heb ik geschreven tijdens mijn cursus bij Natalie Goldberg in Frankrijk deze zomer.

For the time being I drop down in the muddy grounds beneath, I land in the cow-ness of this country, in the longness of this morning.
I sit and write in this barn that looks like a cathedral. With angels writing in the morninglight, where shadows of pens are moving on the floor.
I am happy today.


Het is fijn om af en toe in het Engels te schrijven. Het Engels voelt als een Frans meer. Het is lauw. Niet zo koud als het meertje van Hee op Terschelling - die is als het ijskoude Nederlands. Confronterend, het schudt je wakker.
In een andere taal verdamp ik sneller. Ik stijg op. Naar lyriek. Romantiek.

Maar hoe dan ook, elke taal is water. Water voor mijn bevroren hart.

What I will take with me is the smell of fat chicken in the dining hall. The greasy fingers of the people eating it.

I will take the way my skin glows after a dive in the lake, with the cold
undercurrent and a warm top layer.

I will take the afternoon alone in my shared room, where I walked on bare feet, with the windows wide open, the white curtains dancing in the wind. Sometimes sitting down to write a sentence on my laptop. Siesta-writing. Slow, hot, deep.

I will take the loud voice of Natalie with her strong Brooklyn accent. 'Sooouuunnd' and 'Greeaaattt'. Her firm 'Louder!' when someone did not read loud enough. Her firm 'Let go, just let go!'

I will take her grey friendly glowing when talking to here one to one in the age-old living room. Her words: you have to finish that book, you have to finish that book.

I took determination. A new born writer. A clear direction. I will finish that book.

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